King Peter Falls in Love

The Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, Washington – 09 Sep 1905, Sat) Page 2

It has been rumored that King Peter of Serbia has fallen in love with Princess Lwoff, a painter. Ever since his first wife, Princess Zorka of Montenegro, died, the King has shown very little interest in the fair sex, but some time ago he unexpectedly fell in love. Now it is more than likely that a new queen will soon rule in the Konak, where Queen Draga was assassinated.

Princess Lwoff is better known under her artist name of Parlaghy. In the last fifteen years, the Princess has painted almost every crowned head of Europe. The first husband of the artist was a Prussian official, from whom she was divorced after two years. Then, once more free, she married Prince Lwoff, but this second marriage did not last long.

Soon after King Peter was placed upon the throne, he had her paint his portrait, and it was while sitting for her that he lost his heart. [New York Times]

This story is crafted from a PR photo of The Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy painting Peter I in December 1903.

9 months after this event, was born…

born on July 11, 1844

Peter I of Serbia

Last king of Serbia (1903–1918) and as the first king of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918–1921).

born on June 22, 1906

Billy Wilder

Austrian-American filmmaker

King Peter I of Serbia (1844-1921) posing for the painter Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy in the Konak in Belgrade, November 8, 1903, Serbia, photograph by Parkson, from L’Illustrazione Italiana, Year XXX, No 51, December 20, 1903. De Agostini / Biblioteca Ambrosiana

This item was published on the front pages of half a dozen papers between September 8-13, 1905.

Meanwhile, this interesting gossip gets buried on page 6 of the Jackson Daily News!

This placement is profoundly symbolic. It tells the world that knows how the world truly works that everything is fine and that Peter I is under the soul care of exactly the right person, The Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, who is related to his late wife, Princess Zorka of Montenegro.

Peter I did not marry The Princess Vilma, but for a while this 17 operation upset just the right people, about just the right thing, which is the paramount work of the Princess Vilma.

Peter I and Princess Vilma would enjoy a decade long love affair in their enchanted next life together!

To be continued…

People featured in this post:

Princess Zorka of Montenegro

eldest child of the Montenegrin monarch Nicholas I and his wife Milena

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy

Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

Peter I of Serbia

Last king of Serbia (1903–1918) and as the first king of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918–1921).

HER HIGHNESS ARRIVES Princess Lwoff – Parlaghy Brings Many Men And Beasts

It Happened on
June 29, 1908

The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 29 Jun 1908, Mon • Page 12

Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy Brings Many Men And Beasts.
Royal Hungarian Artist Wishes To Paint Prelate’s Portrait
Has Whole Floor Of Hotel.

Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy, accompanied by her retinue, arrived in town yesterday from Washington in a big automobile and took possession of the entire second floor of the Hotel Stafford. The 13 rooms on the floor had been reserved for her. The Princess has come to Baltimore with two purposes in mind – to explore the town and to paint the portrait of Cardinal Gibbons. Painting portraits of crowned heads and famous people is her favorite pastime, and today she plans to call on the Cardinal to request the honor of painting his likeness on canvas. She will be staying at the Stafford until next Thursday, after which she will depart for Philadelphia, and later visit her cottage in Newport. She will then return to Europe and come back again at a later date to begin work on her portrait painting.

She was accompanied by a guinea pig in a box

Upon her arrival at 10:30 PM, the Princess was greeted by her entourage and hotel staff. She was accompanied by her secretary, first attache, marshal, maid, a white Java dog, and a guinea pig in a box. The butler and chef, dressed in their elaborate uniforms, stood ready to receive her. Several reporters, photographers, and curious onlookers had gathered at the hotel entrance to catch a glimpse of the real-life princess. However, there was a delay in her arrival, causing some concern among the waiting crowd. After an hour and a half, the Princess finally arrived, and her entourage sprang into action, attending to her and her belongings.

The Princess herself was dressed in a long white coat with loose sleeves, a hat adorned with red and black ribbons, and a light blue skirt. She proceeded to her second-floor suite, accompanied by her retinue. Moments later, the fluffy white dog made a playful escape, followed by the chef trying to catch him. After a comical chase, the chef managed to retrieve the mischievous pup and return him to the Princess’ quarters.

Her estate in Hungary already houses a menagerie of various beasts

The Princess has a fondness for animals and plans to add to her private zoo during her stay in Baltimore. Before her arrival, she stopped outside Washington to visit a little black Canadian bear, which she intends to take back to Hungary with her. The bear will be brought to the Stafford and joined with the other exotic animals already residing in one of the hotel’s rooms. Her estate in Hungary already houses a menagerie of various beasts.

Despite occupying the entire second floor and being attended by her own servants, the Princess has chosen to dine in the hotel dining room. Two tables have been set aside for her, one for her exclusive use, where she will dine in grandeur, and another for her first and second attaches. The butler will set the Princess’ table at 11 o’clock each morning, and she will come down for breakfast at 1 o’clock. She will also have dinner in the dining room.

The Princess uses approximately 50 pounds of ice daily

The Princess has a preference for ice water baths and uses approximately 50 pounds of ice daily for that purpose. In Philadelphia, she plans to host a reception for the ladies of the town. Her first attache, M. Frederick M. Delius, announced that she intends to paint Secretary Taft’s portrait and present it to the American people, as she regards Mr. Taft’s election as certain.

9 months after this moment, are born…

born on April 05, 1909

Albert R. Broccoli

born on April 09, 1909 (d. 2003)

Fay Helm

Film actress who appeared in about 65 films between 1936 and 1946

Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy has had an eventful career as a painter of royal and princely persons. She has painted more portraits of crowned heads and prominent figures than any other living woman. Her talent was recognized at an early age, and she studied under renowned masters in Munich and Italy. Her powerful style of portraiture draws inspiration from artists like Franz Hals and Rembrandt. Her villa in Nice serves as her residence and studio.

She has painted more portraits of crowned heads and prominent figures than any other living woman

In other news, a grand welcome reception was organized in honor of Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy at the prestigious Baltimore Museum of Art. The event, attended by local dignitaries, art enthusiasts, and members of high society, showcased a selection of the Princess’s renowned portrait paintings. The museum’s halls were adorned with her striking works, capturing the essence and charisma of the subjects she has immortalized on canvas.

Her Serene Highness, The Princess Vilma Lwoff-ParlaghyPrincess Lwoff-Parlaghy graciously mingled with the guests, sharing anecdotes about her artistic journey and discussing her passion for capturing the unique personalities of those she portrays. The attendees were captivated by her charm and eloquence, and many eagerly expressed their desire to commission their own portraits.

She wants to capture the spirit of Baltimore

During the reception, the Princess took the opportunity to announce her plans for future artistic endeavors. In addition to painting Cardinal Gibbons, she revealed her intention to approach prominent figures in Baltimore and create a series of portraits representing the city’s cultural diversity and historical significance. Her vision for these portraits was to capture the spirit of Baltimore, showcasing its rich heritage and vibrant community.

The Princess’s visit to Baltimore has not only generated excitement within artistic circles but has also sparked interest and curiosity among the local population. Her presence in the city has been a topic of discussion among residents, and her arrival has brought a touch of royalty and glamour to Baltimore’s social scene.

As the Princess continues her stay at the Hotel Stafford, residents and tourists alike hope for a chance encounter with the renowned artist. Many have expressed their admiration for her talent and eagerness to witness her artistic process firsthand. It is anticipated that her time in Baltimore will leave a lasting impression on the city’s cultural landscape and inspire a new wave of artistic appreciation.

Princess will visit the renowned Baltimore Sculpture Garden

Tomorrow, the Princess is scheduled to visit the renowned Baltimore Sculpture Garden, where she will explore the impressive collection of sculptures and seek inspiration for her future projects. The garden’s tranquil atmosphere and stunning artworks are expected to provide a serene backdrop for her creative contemplation.

Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy’s visit to Baltimore represents a unique convergence of art, culture, and royalty. The city eagerly embraces her presence and eagerly awaits the unveiling of the masterpieces she will create during her stay. With her unparalleled talent and distinctive artistic style, the Princess’s artwork promises to leave an indelible mark on the artistic legacy of Baltimore and continue to captivate audiences around the world.


The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 29 Jun 1908, Mon • Page 12

People featured in this post:

Cardinal Gibbons

American prelate of the Catholic Church who served as apostolic vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of North CarolinaL

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy

Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans