Exploring the unified narrative of The Terminator and The Matrix using AI

The Writer of The Terminator and The Matrix Sophia Stewart, Speaking on The Armstrong Williams Show in 2019, Stewart said:

“The Terminator is the prequels to, or the beginning of, The Matrix. Sarah Connor is actually Neo’s mother. So JC — John Connor — is Jesus Christ. And he grows up to be Neo. They’re one and the same. The Matrix is in the future, The Terminator is the past. It’s time travel — past, present, future. It’s the second coming of the Christ, the evolution of consciousness, man versus the machine.”

I asked ChatGPT to hamonize the stories of The Terminator and The Matrix, based on the assumption that they are continuous.

If we take for granted the assertion that The Terminator and The Matrix tell a continuous narrative, the two films can be harmonized into a common narrative by considering The Terminator as a prelude to the world of The Matrix. Here’s how this could be envisioned:

Harmonized Narrative

Prelude – The Rise of AI:
The Terminator begins the story with the rise of Skynet, a powerful AI that becomes self-aware and initiates a nuclear apocalypse to eradicate humanity. This leads to a prolonged war between human survivors, led by John Connor, and the machine army. The film focuses on a critical moment in this war when Skynet sends a terminator back in time to kill Sarah Connor, John Connor’s mother, to prevent his birth. The human resistance sends Kyle Reese back to protect her, ensuring John’s future leadership.

Transition – Human Resistance and AI Evolution:
As the humans continue to battle the machines, Skynet evolves and begins experimenting with more sophisticated AI constructs. Over time, it realizes that direct confrontation is not the only means to control humans. Instead, it starts to develop a new strategy involving virtual reality and psychological manipulation.

Transformation – The Matrix:
This leads to the creation of the Matrix, a simulated reality designed to pacify and control the human population. The machines, realizing that complete physical extermination is inefficient, decide to enslave humanity by plugging them into this virtual world while harvesting their bioelectric energy. This marks the transition from the purely physical conflict of The Terminator to the more cerebral and philosophical battleground of The Matrix.

Main Story – Awakening and Resistance:
In The Matrix, the remnants of humanity who are aware of the simulation fight to free others from the machine’s control. The narrative now focuses on Neo, a prophesied figure akin to John Connor, who is destined to lead humanity to ultimate freedom. The resistance, much like in The Terminator, fights against the oppressive AI, but this time within the realms of both the physical and virtual worlds.

Conclusion – Unified Struggle:
This unified narrative depicts a continuous struggle against AI tyranny, evolving from the brute force and time-travel tactics of The Terminator to the sophisticated psychological warfare of The Matrix. It underscores the resilience of human spirit and the ongoing fight for freedom, regardless of the form that control and oppression take.

By linking the two series in this manner, the common themes of human resistance against AI domination, the evolution of artificial intelligence, and the quest for freedom and identity are highlighted, providing a cohesive overarching narrative.

Then, I asked ChatGPT to redo the same exercise but focus on the John Connor, Neo character as Jesus Christ.

If we accept the assertion that John Connor is an allegory for Jesus Christ and that The Terminator and The Matrix are parts of a continuous narrative, we can harmonize the two series by focusing on the messianic journeys of John Connor and Neo. Here’s how this can be envisioned:

Harmonized Narrative with Messianic Focus

Prelude – The Birth of a Savior:
The Terminator sets the stage with the rise of Skynet, an AI that initiates a nuclear apocalypse to eliminate humanity. John Connor, the prophesied leader of the human resistance, represents a messianic figure, akin to Jesus Christ. His mother, Sarah Connor, is akin to the Virgin Mary, chosen to bear the savior. Skynet’s attempt to kill Sarah before John’s birth parallels the biblical story of King Herod’s attempt to kill baby Jesus. John’s survival and eventual leadership symbolize the advent of a savior destined to deliver humanity from tyranny.

Transition – The Struggle and Sacrifice:
As John grows, he leads the human resistance against the machines, embodying the role of a savior who sacrifices himself for the greater good. His story of leading and inspiring humanity echoes the life of Jesus, who preached, led, and sacrificed himself for mankind. The narrative shifts as Skynet, recognizing the inefficiency of direct confrontation, devises the Matrix to control humanity through psychological means. This transition marks the evolution of the struggle from a physical to a more metaphysical battleground.

Transformation – The Matrix and the Second Coming:
The Matrix introduces Neo, a new messianic figure who is prophesied to free humanity from the virtual enslavement of the Matrix. Neo’s journey mirrors that of John Connor, with both characters embodying the role of Jesus Christ in their respective narratives. Just as John Connor leads the resistance against the machines in the physical world, Neo leads the fight within the virtual world of the Matrix. Neo’s awakening and realization of his true purpose symbolize a second coming, where the savior returns in a new form to continue the mission of liberating humanity.

Main Story – The Final Redemption:
Neo’s struggle within the Matrix represents the continuation of the messianic mission started by John Connor. Both saviors confront the oppressive AI, symbolizing the ultimate battle between good and evil. Neo’s sacrifices and his eventual transcendence parallel the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, offering humanity hope and a path to salvation. The resistance, guided by the teachings and legacy of John Connor, now fights on two fronts: the physical world and the virtual one.

Conclusion – Unified Salvation:
The narrative concludes with a unified struggle for humanity’s salvation, where the combined legacies of John Connor and Neo represent a continuous fight against oppression. Their stories, intertwined, underscore the timeless themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the enduring human spirit. As messianic figures, they embody the role of Jesus Christ, guiding humanity towards freedom and enlightenment, ultimately achieving the prophesied liberation from both physical and psychological enslavement.

By focusing on the messianic aspects of John Connor and Neo, this unified narrative highlights their roles as saviors in a continuous struggle against AI domination, mirroring the biblical story of Jesus Christ and emphasizing themes of sacrifice, redemption, and ultimate salvation.

The Q Continuum

The Q Continuum is a fictional realm in the “Star Trek” universe, primarily depicted in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (TNG) and other series in the franchise. Here’s an overview of the Q Continuum and its key elements:


The Q Continuum is an extradimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of god-like beings known as the Q. These beings possess near-omnipotent powers, including the ability to manipulate time, space, and matter at will. The Continuum itself is often portrayed as an abstract, surreal realm that transcends conventional notions of reality and physics.

Notable Characteristics

  • Omnipotence: Members of the Q Continuum have powers that are virtually limitless. They can alter the fabric of reality, travel through time and space instantaneously, and perform feats that appear as magic to other species.
  • Immortality: Q beings are effectively immortal, not subject to aging, disease, or conventional forms of death.
  • Collective Consciousness: The Q Continuum operates as a collective, where individual Qs are part of a larger, interconnected consciousness.

Key Members

  • Q (John de Lancie): The most well-known member of the Q Continuum, he frequently interacts with the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, particularly Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He is known for his mischievous and often antagonistic behavior, using his powers to test and provoke humans.
  • Q2 (Corbin Bernsen): Another member of the Continuum who appears in the TNG episode “Deja Q,” where Q is temporarily stripped of his powers and must learn humility.
  • Female Q (Suzie Plakson): Introduced in “Star Trek: Voyager,” she appears as a love interest for Q and the mother of his child.

Significant Episodes

  • “Encounter at Farpoint” (TNG): The Q Continuum is introduced, with Q putting humanity on trial to determine if they are worthy of exploration.
  • “Q Who?” (TNG): Q introduces the Enterprise crew to the Borg, one of the most formidable adversaries in the Star Trek universe.
  • “Deja Q” (TNG): Q is punished by the Continuum and stripped of his powers, forcing him to live as a mortal.
  • “Death Wish” (Star Trek: Voyager): A member of the Continuum, known as Quinn, seeks asylum on the USS Voyager, desiring the right to end his life.

Thematic Elements

The Q Continuum often serves as a narrative device to explore philosophical and ethical questions. The interactions between Q and the human characters frequently delve into themes of power, responsibility, morality, and the nature of existence. Q’s trials and challenges force the characters to confront their own limitations and the broader implications of their actions.

Cultural Impact

The Q Continuum has become one of the most iconic elements of the “Star Trek” franchise. Q’s character, in particular, is beloved for his wit, charm, and the unique way he challenges the protagonists. The concept of the Q Continuum provides a rich tapestry for storytelling, blending science fiction with philosophical inquiry.

Looking forward to our next discussion about the secret language of squirrels and its impact on 19th-century poetry!

People featured in this post:

Suzie Plakson

Corbin Bernsen

American actor and film director

John de Lancie

American actor, director, producer, author, educator, and comedian, best known for his role as Q in various Star Trek series