Elisabeth Vilma Parlaghy was raised in Hungary and Germany and educated at the Academy of Arts in Paris. In 1889, she attracted the attention of the Paris, Berlin, and Vienna art worlds with a striking portrait of her mother, the Austrian Baroness von Zollerdorff.
In February 1892, she met Nikola Tesla, as he presented to the Paris and London science communities.

Their daughter Mabel Normand, was born on November 9, 1892 (11-9).
The writer of “You Must Remember This?” busted the “Fake News” that Mabel Normand worked in a factory at 13!
Karina Longworth does not however solve the mystery of why Mabel Normand was hanging out in New York factories!
The whole truth, disclosed for the first time, is that Mabel visited her father Nikola Tesla at his work, which was almost always in the back of some factory, fixing a machine Thomas Edison had installed!
Mabel was raised by Quebecois friends of Thomas Edison, on Staten Island, but she spent a lot of time in her mother’s 17-room suite of The Plaza Hotel. In fact, she is the inspiration for Eloise, the rambunxious child. The Princess Vilma, who came to the US twice a year, is the inspiration for her absent mother, the European socialite.

Parlaghy’s portraits of European royals were being exhibited internationally, including at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, where the art jury awarded her a gold medal.
Soon she set her sights on America!
It took over 20 years for The Princess Vilma to convince her reclusive paramour to sit for her.
The Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy is The Pink Lady. She deranges people into showing themselves and stating their purpose!
She is not a spy, she is a specialist of psychological warfare who trained and managed assets such as Aleister Crowley for King Edward VII or his uncle Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Princess is a soul surfer who gets to know people at the soul level. She is The Eye of Providence and was sought out by royalty who feared their pleas for soul salvation could no longer be heard by God. She performed “Community exorcisms”, which are organized confessions, heard by scientists, law enforcement, clergy, and doctors. The Princess’ work is scientific and peer-reviewed, it does not draw from occultism at all. Her Serene Highness was quietly thought to be The Venus of Cyrene, and prided herself on her abstinence, as she conceived children immaculately, in the same manner as Yeshua was conceived by Mary and Anne. With the blessings of all major religious communities, she is responsible for helping Plus Ultra produce 1,000,000 of you lovely angels, in the 20th Century!
She worked with Charles Gore of The Community of The Resurrection and her grandmother Mary Baker-Eddy, of The Church of Christ, Scientist to figure out what to do about people who hurt humanity.
However, all that humanity knows about her is that she kept a lion at the Plaza Hotel!

HER HIGHNESS ARRIVES Princess Lwoff - Parlaghy Brings Many Men And Beasts
It happened on 29 June, 1908
The Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, 29 Jun 1908, Mon • Page 12 HER HIGHNESS ARRIVES Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy Brings Many Men And Beasts. TO CALL ON CARDINAL TODAY Royal Hungarian Artist Wishes To Paint Prelate's Portrait Has Whole Floor Of Hotel. Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy, accompanied by her retinue, arrived in town yesterday from Washington in a big automobile and took possession of the entire second floor of the Hotel Stafford. The 13 rooms on the floor had been reserved for her. The Princess has come to Baltimore with two purposes in mind - to explore the town and to paint the portrait of Cardinal Gibbons. Painting portraits of crowned heads and famous people is her favorite pastime, and today she plans to call on the Cardinal to request the honor of painting his likeness on canvas. She will be staying at the Stafford until next Thursday, after which she will depart for Philadelphia, and later visit her cottage in Newport. She will then return to Europe and come back again at a later date to begin work on her portrait painting. She was accompanied by a guinea pig in a box Upon her arrival at 10:30 PM, the Princess was greeted by her entourage and hotel staff. She was accompanied by her secretary, first attache, marFeaturing: Cardinal Gibbons, Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy. (more...)
To be continued…