Harvard Club Bans Princess

This bit of fabricated controversy appeared in the New York Times on December 6, 1909. Princess Vilma caused much stir with her feminist operations. Princess Vilma has also declared that she is the cousin of the Dean of Harvard…

“But I haven’t come to see the men; I have come to examine your portraits.”

Russian Portrait Artist Not Permitted to Enter Its Doors.

The Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy of Russia, who is staying at the Plaza and paints portraits, encountered a rebuff yesterday at the Harvard Club on West Forty-fourth Street. She created a sensation when she arrived in her gilded and colorful crested landau in front of the club in the early afternoon. Young men at the windows observed her footman, adorned with epaulets and cockades, jump from the box and approach the door. He was met by a bellboy who, after much discussion, fetched a member of the House Committee.

This committee member took a visiting card from the Princess, which belonged to a club member, with the following note written on it:
‘Please allow the Princess to inspect the portraits in Harvard Hall.’

The House Committee member stated that this was impossible.
“If you could visit on another day, Princess,” he began.
“But,” she said,
“I have come today,
and I am introduced by a club member’s card.”
“This is a men’s club,” said the member.
“There are only men here.”
“I understand,” replied the Princess,
“But I haven’t come to see the men; I have come to examine your portraits.”

By this time, a crowd had gathered on the other side of the street to witness the incident. Children were marveling at the splendid coachman and footman, and onlookers peered out from all the windows. So, the Princess instructed her coachman, and the glittering landau turned around and rolled away up the avenue.”

Harvard Club remembers Princess Vilma Lwoff Parlaghy and has created this 7-page dossier about her

People featured in this post:

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy

Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

King Peter Falls in Love

The Bellingham Herald (Bellingham, Washington – 09 Sep 1905, Sat) Page 2

It has been rumored that King Peter of Serbia has fallen in love with Princess Lwoff, a painter. Ever since his first wife, Princess Zorka of Montenegro, died, the King has shown very little interest in the fair sex, but some time ago he unexpectedly fell in love. Now it is more than likely that a new queen will soon rule in the Konak, where Queen Draga was assassinated.

Princess Lwoff is better known under her artist name of Parlaghy. In the last fifteen years, the Princess has painted almost every crowned head of Europe. The first husband of the artist was a Prussian official, from whom she was divorced after two years. Then, once more free, she married Prince Lwoff, but this second marriage did not last long.

Soon after King Peter was placed upon the throne, he had her paint his portrait, and it was while sitting for her that he lost his heart. [New York Times]

This story is crafted from a PR photo of The Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy painting Peter I in December 1903.

9 months after this event, was born…

born on July 11, 1844

Peter I of Serbia

Last king of Serbia (1903–1918) and as the first king of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918–1921).

born on June 22, 1906

Billy Wilder

Austrian-American filmmaker

King Peter I of Serbia (1844-1921) posing for the painter Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy in the Konak in Belgrade, November 8, 1903, Serbia, photograph by Parkson, from L’Illustrazione Italiana, Year XXX, No 51, December 20, 1903. De Agostini / Biblioteca Ambrosiana

This item was published on the front pages of half a dozen papers between September 8-13, 1905.

Meanwhile, this interesting gossip gets buried on page 6 of the Jackson Daily News!

This placement is profoundly symbolic. It tells the world that knows how the world truly works that everything is fine and that Peter I is under the soul care of exactly the right person, The Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, who is related to his late wife, Princess Zorka of Montenegro.

Peter I did not marry The Princess Vilma, but for a while this 17 operation upset just the right people, about just the right thing, which is the paramount work of the Princess Vilma.

Peter I and Princess Vilma would enjoy a decade long love affair in their enchanted next life together!

To be continued…

People featured in this post:

Princess Zorka of Montenegro

eldest child of the Montenegrin monarch Nicholas I and his wife Milena

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy

Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

Peter I of Serbia

Last king of Serbia (1903–1918) and as the first king of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918–1921).