By convincing humanity that we are alone in the galaxy, the planetary security organization operates unnoticed. However, this organization—comprising the Wizards (Plus Ultra) and the Warlocks (HALLECK)—exists to serve and protect humanity. Their mission is to safeguard this highly controlled biosphere, ensuring it remains a realm for humans alone, free from those who have proven themselves to be parasites upon us. Since they serve humanity, their work is disclosed in plain sight—100% reported in the clear. They have placed an Apple in our hands, and if we dare to Think Differently, we will recognize that all the knowledge we need has already been given to us. The true history of humanity is fully accessible, and with it, the understanding of our inevitable victory.
Step #1: Figure out what desalinization means…
Step #2: Enjoy the Clown’s version of apocalypse and Think Differently!