He was never apprehended, and nearly 50 years later, the case would remain the only unsolved skyjacking in history.
Let's make it weirder!
9 months later
born on January 01, 1940
D. B. Cooper
unidentified man who hijacked Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, a Boeing 727 aircraft, in United States airspace on November 24, 1971
born on August 30, 1972
Cameron Diaz
On August 30, 1972, the actress Cameron Diaz was born.
People featured in this post:
D. B. Cooper
unidentified man who hijacked Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, a Boeing 727 aircraft, in United States airspace on November 24, 1971
The Symphony No. 1 in D major by Gustav Mahler was mainly composed between late 1887 and March 1888, though it incorporates music Mahler had composed for previous works. It was composed while Mahler was second conductor at the Leipzig Opera, Germany.
The “Titan” referred to in Mahler’s Symphony No. 1 is a reference to the novel “Der Titan” by Jean Paul, which was a major influence on the composer. The novel is about a young man named Titan who struggles with feelings of inadequacy and longing for the ideal, themes that are also present in the symphony.
At the same time, Nelly Bly was leaving for a long journey…
Inspired by Jules Verne, Pioneer American Woman Journalist Nellie Bly Her Attempt to Beat Travel Around the World in Less Than 80 Days It happened on 14 November, 1889
Nellie Bly was a pioneering journalist and adventurer who, in 1889, set out to beat the fictional record of Phileas Fogg, the protagonist of Featuring: Nellie Bly. (more...)