September 30

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Historically, September 30th has seen a thing or two. Back in 1791, the good folks of Philadelphia laid the cornerstone for the United States Capitol. That’s the big fancy building where politicians go to talk and argue – not always in that order.

Then, in 1927, Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, hit his 60th home run in a single baseball season. That’s a record that stood tall for a spell. Imagine that – one man knockin’ the ball out of the park 60 times in a few months.

As for notable folks born on this date, well, there’s Truman Capote, the writer who gave us “In Cold Blood” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” He had a knack for spinning tales that’d make a cat laugh.

And, for all you fans of “Star Trek,” you’ll be happy to know that September 30th is the birthday of the late Leonard “Spock” Nimoy. He had them pointy ears and a logical mind to match.

So, there you have it, September 30th in all its mellow glory. It might not set the world on fire, but it’s got its own flavor, like a slow sip of that mulled cider.

September 29

Well, now, let’s mosey on down the river of time to September 29th, and see what tales it’s got to tell.

First off, we’ve got Saint Michaelmas Day, and I reckon that’s a pretty important feast day. Saint Michael, he’s the archangel, a real celestial heavyweight. Folks used to believe that on this day, he’d weigh the souls of the departed. Now, ain’t that a curious notion?

Now, if we’re talkin’ history, on September 29, 1789, the United States of America saw its first two cabinet departments established: the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of War. They were like the first few bricks in the foundation of Uncle Sam’s house. It’s a reminder of the early days when our nation was still findin’ its footing.

But there’s more to the story. In 1907, a fella by the name of Orville Wright took to the skies at Fort Myer, Virginia. He flew a contraption he and his brother Wilbur had built, and it was the first official powered, controlled, and sustained flight of an aircraft. A couple of bicycle mechanics from Ohio, changin’ the course of history in the blink of an eye.

Now, when it comes to notable folks born on this day, you’ve got none other than the great Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist who played a big role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. His work sure had a profound impact on the course of history.

And as for cultural observances, September 29th might not have its own big holiday, but it’s a day right on the cusp of fall. The leaves start puttin’ on their colorful coats, and folks start thinkin’ ’bout harvest festivals and pumpkins aplenty.

So, there you have it, September 29th, a day with a bit of heavenly ponderin’, a touch of history-makin’, and a hint of autumn in the air. Just goes to show, there’s always somethin’ worth noticin’ in the flow of time.

September 27

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: The Stockton and Darlington Railway in England started chugging along, by Marie-Lynn with Midjourney


Well, now, September 27th ain’t your ordinary day, I’ll tell ya that much, dear friend. You see, there’s more to this date than meets the eye.

First off, let’s talk about feast days. Now, on September 27th, we’ve got Saint Vincent de Paul‘s feast day. He was a fella who dedicated his life to helping the poor and the needy. A true do-gooder, if you ask me.

Now, as for historical events, on this very day back in 1825, the Stockton and Darlington Railway in England started chugging along. It was the first public railway to use steam locomotives. Can you imagine the folks back then, watching that iron horse belching smoke and steam? Must’ve been a sight!

Now, when it comes to cultural observances, September 27th might not have a holiday all its own, but it’s right there in the heart of the fall season. Folks start gettin’ ready for Halloween, and the leaves start turnin’ those beautiful shades of red and gold.

So, my friend, there you have it. September 27th, a day with a bit of this and a bit of that, just like life on the ol’ Mississippi River – full of surprises and stories waiting to be told.

September 22

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Frodo and Bilbao Baggins celebrate their birthday, by Marie-Lynn with Midjourney

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, hang onto your hat, ’cause we’re saddlin’ up for a ride through the significance of September 22, and it’s a day with its own unique charm.

In the Christian calendar, September 22 marks the Feast of St. Maurice and his companions. St. Maurice was a Roman soldier who stood firm in his Christian faith, even in the face of persecution. He’s remembered as a symbol of unwavering devotion to one’s beliefs.

For the lovers of literature, September 22 is an auspicious date, as it’s the birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, the beloved hobbits created by J.R.R. Tolkien. These little folks took us on grand adventures in the world of Middle-earth, reminding us of the power of imagination.

And if we switch gears to the world of space exploration, September 22 has its own starry significance. It’s the day when NASA’s Pioneer 11 spacecraft made its closest approach to Saturn back in 1979, sending back valuable data and images of the ringed planet.

So, September 22, it’s a day when the brave are honored, the fantastical is celebrated, and the mysteries of the cosmos are unveiled. It’s a day to tip your hat to courage, creativity, and the wonders of the universe.

September 20

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Saint Eustace is the patron saint of hunters and firefighters by Marie-Lynn with Midjourney

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, saddle up, partner, ’cause we’re ridin’ into the significance of September 20, and it’s a tale worth tellin’.

In the Christian calendar, September 20 is the Feast of St. Eustace and his companions. Now, Eustace had quite the adventure. He was a Roman general who had a run-in with a stag with a crucifix between its antlers while out hunting. This miraculous encounter led him to convert to Christianity. So, folks remember him and his journey to faith on this day.

On the literary front, September 20 marks the birthday of Upton Sinclair, a fella known for his muckraking novels. He stirred the pot with works like “The Jungle,” which exposed the gritty underbelly of the meatpacking industry. He was a champion of social justice through his pen.

And in the world of space exploration, September 20 is the day when the United States’ Pioneer 10 spacecraft made history in 1977 by becoming the first human-made object to venture beyond our solar system. It’s a testament to human curiosity and our desire to explore the great unknown.

So, September 20, it’s a day when the hunt for faith, the battle for justice, and the quest for the stars all come together. It’s a day to tip your hat to the adventurers, the truth-seekers, and the pioneers of the past and the present.

September 19

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Cass Elliot, American singer and voice actress known as Mama Cass from the popular band The Mamas and The Papas by Marie-Lynn with MidjourneyAI

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, hold on to your hat because we’re heading into the significance of September 19, and it’s got its own unique tale to tell.

In the Christian calendar, September 19 brings us the Feast of St. Januarius. Now, Januarius was quite the character. He’s known for a miracle involving his blood, which is said to liquefy when it’s brought out for display. It’s a bit of a puzzler, and folks gather to witness this curious event every year in Naples, Italy.

Now, in the world of science and exploration, September 19 is remembered as the day when Lewis and Clark returned to St. Louis in 1806 after their epic journey exploring the western reaches of the United States. It’s a reminder of the spirit of adventure and discovery that’s woven into the fabric of this great nation. The Corps of Discovery met with a grand reception at St. Louis on September 23. Congress rewarded them with double pay and public land. The captains each received 1,600 acres (650 hectares), and their men received 320 acres (130 hectares).

So, September 19, it’s a day when the blood mystifies, and the spirit of exploration shines bright. It’s a day to celebrate the curious, the creative, and the brave.


September 18

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Joseph of Cupertino, Italian Conventual Franciscan friar who is honored as a Christian mystic and saint by Marie-Lynn with Midjourney

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, now, let’s set our sights on September 18, another day with its own share of significance.

For starters, in the Christian calendar, September 18 is the Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino. Old Joseph, bless his heart, was a bit of an unusual saint. He’s known for his knack for levitation, which means he had a habit of defying gravity and floating around like a helium balloon. So, folks on this day remember him and his heavenly acrobatics.

In the world of science, September 18 carries some weight too. On this day in 1851, the first issue of The New York Times was published. Now, that’s a newspaper that’s been dishing out the news for well over a century, keeping folks informed about what’s happening in the world.

And if you’re a fan of literature, you might be interested to know that on September 18, 1709, Samuel Johnson was born. He’s the fella who penned that famous dictionary of the English language. He gave us definitions and meanings that still stick around today.

So, September 18, it’s a day when the saints take flight, the presses start rolling, and the wordsmiths get to work. It’s a day to appreciate the quirky and the profound, all rolled into one.

September 28

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Ah, September 28th, another day worth talkin’ about. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

On the feast day front, we’ve got Saint Wenceslaus’ day. He was a Duke of Bohemia back in the 10th century, known for his piety and kindness. I reckon folks remember him with a bit of reverence.

Now, for a historical tidbit, on this day in 1066, William the Conqueror set sail from Normandy to conquer England. That journey led to the famous Battle of Hastings, and it changed the course of English history forever. Imagine packin’ your bags for a conquest like that!

Speaking of conquerors, in 1542, Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, a Spanish explorer, sailed into what’s now known as San Diego Bay. He was one of the first Europeans to set foot on the west coast of what we now call the United States. Quite the explorer, if you ask me.

As for notable figures born on September 28th, well, you’ve got Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher whose sayings and teachings have influenced folks for centuries. And let’s not forget the brilliant French writer, Prosper Mérimée, known for bringin’ us the tale of Carmen, a story that’s been adapted into operas, films, and more.

Now, in terms of cultural observances, September 28th might not be a holiday, but it’s right there in the midst of autumn. The leaves are rustlin’, the air is crisp, and folks start thinkin’ ’bout Thanksgiving, which is just ’round the corner.

So, there you have it, September 28th, a day with its own unique blend of history, saints, explorers, and thinkers. Just goes to show, every day’s got its own story to tell.

September 26

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, now, September 26, let me tell you, it’s a day that’s danced its way through history, and it’s got a few stories to tell.

First and foremost, there’s Johnny Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, born on this day in 1774. That fella wandered the frontier planting apple trees like there was no tomorrow. He’s the reason we have apples aplenty in the United States, and every time we take a bite of a crisp apple, we owe him a nod of appreciation.

But there’s more to this day. In 1960, the first-ever televised presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon happened on September 26. They squared off, and Kennedy’s charisma and a bit of makeup magic gave him an edge. It was a turning point in politics, and TV became a new battleground for politicians.

And for all you European history buffs, on this day in 1580, Francis Drake sailed the Golden Hind into Plymouth, England, after completing his circumnavigation of the globe. Quite the feat, I must say.

Now, let’s talk about the feast days. You see, September 26 is the feast day of Saints Cosmas and Damian, the patron saints of doctors. They were twin brothers, skilled physicians, and they didn’t charge a dime for their services. That’s right, free healthcare back in the day!

So, whether you’re munching on an apple, tuning into a political debate, or giving a thought to those selfless doctors, September 26 has a little something for everyone. It’s a day to remember the past, savor the present, and maybe plant a seed for the future.

September 25

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well now, it appears you’ve stumbled upon a date of some significance, September 25th! Now, let me dig into my storytelling bag and weave a tale or two for you.

In 1789, the very first Congress of the United States proposed twelve amendments to the Constitution, ten of which would become the Bill of Rights. These amendments, inspired by the principles of liberty and justice, have since played a significant role in shaping the nation’s identity.

Now, speaking of liberty and justice, let us not forget the wordsmith William Faulkner, who was born on this very date in 1897. His pen danced upon the pages, painting vivid pictures of the American South in all its complexities. His works, like “The Sound and the Fury” and “As I Lay Dying,” stand as literary treasures of our time.

And if you’re of a musical inclination, spare a thought for Glenn Gould, that gifted Canadian pianist who graced us with his talents. He was born on this day in 1932, and his interpretations of Bach’s keyboard works remain cherished by many.

So, you see, September 25th has woven its threads into the tapestry of history, connecting us with explorers, lawmakers, wordsmiths, and musicians. It’s a date that reminds us of the adventures and achievements of the human spirit.