September 17

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Robert Bellarmine, Italian Jesuit and a cardinal of the Catholic Church, by Marie-Lynn with MidjourneyAi

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well now, September 17, it ain’t just any old date on the calendar. No siree, it’s got a handful of significance tied to it that’ll make your head spin.

First off, for them Christian folks, it’s the Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine. Now, this Bellarmine fella, he was a theologian and a cardinal back in the day. He was knee-deep in the Counter-Reformation, fighting tooth and nail to defend the faith. So, on this day, they remember him and his dedication to keepin’ the church strong.

And if you mosey on over to the Jewish calendar, you’ll find that September 17 marks the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It’s a time for folks to reckon with their actions, do a bit of soul-searching, and start fresh. It’s like hitting the reset button on the year.

But that ain’t all, no sir. September 17 is also a red-letter day in American history. Back in 1787, a bunch of folks gathered in Philadelphia and put their John Hancocks on the United States Constitution. That’s the document that lays out how this whole country should be run. It’s like the rulebook for Uncle Sam, and it’s been going strong for a long, long time.


The Constitutional Convention assembles in Philadelphia to sign the new United States Constitution.
It happened on 17 September, 1787

Featuring: John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin.

Additionally, on this day in 1967, Jim Morrison and The Doors defied CBS censors on The Ed Sullivan Show, when Morrison sings the word “higher” from their #1 hit Light My Fire, despite having been asked not to. Oh what a bad boy he was! Chuckles!

So, you see, September 17 ain’t just any old day. It’s a day when faith, history, and tradition all come together to remind us of the power that numbers hold in our lives, and how they’ve shaped our world in more ways than one.