FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Approximation of what EriC Yunkers may have looked like created with Midjourney AI
The album Balance of Power came out at the same time as this accident. It contains a song called “It’s Getting to The Point” and it’s about being very close to 88-8-8 where most people will have forgotten why we are here, and what we are doing! It came out 2 years before Xanadu, released on August 8, 1988. We have another 8-8-8 day coming up, it is August 8, 2024.
All of the connections came from this one 1:07 video clip. And there is a lot more where that came from… You can be sure that if you pull at any thread, uyou will obtain satisfaction!
So here’s the story…
On December 20, 1985 Eric “Rad” Yunker, a 32- year- old guitar designer, was electrocuted while testing an instrument for “ZZ Top” in a San Francisco club.

Eric “Rad” Yunker, a 32- year- old guitar designer, was electrocuted while testing an instrument for “ZZ Top” in a San Francisco club.
It happened on 20 December, 1985
Featuring: Eric Yunker.
In 1988, on October 7, an Eric Yunker lists a five bedroom home for sale, under another advert promising a bit of The Wild, Wild West.
The Daily Spectrum
Fri, Oct 07, 1988 ·Page 14
Kevin Wilkinson is a British drummer who died in 1999. He was born at the same time as Frederick Valentich, an Australian pilot who disappeared in 1978.

born on June 11, 1958 (d. 1999)
Kevin Wilkinson
English drummer, who was based in Baydon, Wiltshire, England
born on June 09, 1958
Frederick Valentich
Australian pilot who disappeared while on a 125-nautical-mileEVENT CARD

Frederick Valentich Vanishes
It happened on 21 October, 1978
The story of Frederick Valentich's vanishing is one of the most intriguing and mysterious incidents in aviation history. Here is a detailed account of the events surrounding his disappearance: Featuring: Frederick Valentich. (more...)
Eric Yunkers was also listed on a bowling leaderboard in 2008,
for January 15, as part of the Monmouth Medical men’s team, in Long beach, New Jersey.
January 15 is the day that Eric Yunkers died in 1985.
Asbury Park Press
Asbury Park, New Jersey · Saturday, January 26, 2008
Steve Sheppard has a name that associates him to the Health and Bioengineering Group of Plus Ultra (Saint-Stephen and Sheppard). This name leads to a professor, which is expected. He looks like a sibling of Will Wright, the man who created the game “Sim City”. This name also refers to artificial towns created to conduct law enforcement operations, like Hamsptead, UK. Sheppard is Professor Emeritus and Director of the Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning.

born on January 20, 1960
Stephen Sheppard
Professor emeritus in Advanced landscape Planning
born on January 20, 1960
Will Wright
Designer of the game Sim CityThe other bookend of our mystery man on the Medical Center Bowling Team is Ken Hayes. There is a Ken Hayes who is a partner in a financial consulting firm. Which brings us to our next comparison between Ken Hayes and Tim Draper, a very well-known VC born at the same time as Kevin Wilkinson, and Frederick Valentich, an Australian pilot who disappeared in 1978.

born on June 17, 1955
Ken Hayes
head men's basketball coach at Tulsa
born on June 11, 1958
Tim Draper
American venture capital investor, and founder of Draper Fisher JurvetsonI have always had a great interest in Will Wright and the process of building a city. I am astounded that the Ghost Army of The United States can deploy massive crowds of actors trained in special operations (23rd Headquartered Special Operations) to give the enemy of humanity the impression they live in a town of perverts. They can also provide up to 500 victims per mass casualty event staged in the United States. It takes thousands of victims to stage a war.
Will Wright was conceived when Dwight Eisenhower announced the resignation of John Foster Dulles as United States Secretary of State after his cancerous tumor metastasized.

born on February 25, 1888
John Foster Dulles
American diplomat, lawyer, and Republican Party politician. He served as United States Secretary of State
born on January 20, 1960
Will Wright
Designer of the game Sim CityClowns in America
John Foster Dulles was conceived on May 9, 1887 after Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show opened in London. It featured Annie Oakley, who promoted the service of women in special operation capacity offering her crew of 50 sharp-shooters. At its peak, the show employed around 500 to 800 performers. This included a mix of cowboys, Native Americans, sharpshooters, trick riders, ropers, and various other entertainers.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show opens in London.
It happened on 9 May, 1887
Featuring: Buffalo Bill.
Lastly, We have been pointed very directly to Wild, Wild West, which is a film that stars Ted Levine. Here is a comparison of Kevin Wilkinson with Ted Levine!

born on March 29, 1957
Ted Levine
American actor
born on June 11, 1958 (d. 1999)
Kevin Wilkinson
English drummer, who was based in Baydon, Wiltshire, EnglandI’ve circled around this topic, but I still do not have a photo of Eric Yunkers!
I’ll continue soon!