Suzie Plakson

Suzie Plakson is an American actress, singer, writer, and artist, known for her versatile roles across various television series and films. Her work with the “Star Trek” franchise is particularly notable for her portrayals of multiple memorable characters. Key Roles in “Star Trek”: K’Ehleyr in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”: – Suzie Plakson first appearedContinue reading “Suzie Plakson”

The Q Continuum

The Q Continuum is a fictional realm in the “Star Trek” universe, primarily depicted in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (TNG) and other series in the franchise. Here’s an overview of the Q Continuum and its key elements: Overview The Q Continuum is an extradimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of god-like beingsContinue reading “The Q Continuum”