Exploring the unified narrative of The Terminator and The Matrix using AI

The Writer of The Terminator and The Matrix Sophia Stewart, Speaking on The Armstrong Williams Show in 2019, Stewart said: “The Terminator is the prequels to, or the beginning of, The Matrix. Sarah Connor is actually Neo’s mother. So JC — John Connor — is Jesus Christ. And he grows up to be Neo. They’reContinue reading “Exploring the unified narrative of The Terminator and The Matrix using AI”

Eric Yunker

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Approximation of what EriC Yunkers may have looked like created with Midjourney AIThe album Balance of Power came out at the same time as this accident. It contains a song called “It’s Getting to The Point” and it’s about being very close to 88-8-8 where most people will have forgotten why weContinue reading “Eric Yunker”