Alvan Graham Clark makes the first observation of Sirius B, a white dwarf star, through an eighteen-inch telescope at Northwestern University.

It Happened on
January 31, 1862

The observation of Sirius B, also known as the Pup, is significant because it was the first evidence of the existence of a white dwarf star. In 1862, Sirius B was discovered by astronomers Alvan Graham Clark and his son, William Clark, while observing Sirius A, the brightest star in the night sky. They noticed a faint companion star near Sirius A and later determined it was a white dwarf, a type of star that is incredibly dense and has exhausted its fuel for nuclear fusion. The discovery of Sirius B confirmed the theoretical predictions about the nature of white dwarfs and opened up new avenues for the study of stellar evolution and the structure of stars. Today, the observation of Sirius B remains a cornerstone of astronomical research and continues to be studied in detail.




Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is published in the Atlantic Monthly
It happened on 1 February, 1862

The publication of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe was a significant event in the history of the American Civil War. The poem was first published in the February 1862 issue of the Atlantic Monthly and quickly became a popular and influential anthem for the Union army. Julia Ward Howe was a prominent abolitionist and writer, and she wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" as a response to the outbreak of the Civil War and the growing conflict between the North and the South. The poem is a powerful call to arms, urging the North to fight for freedom and justice and to defeat the forces of slavery and oppression. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was quickly embraced by the Union army, and its lyrics were set to the tune of the popular gospel song "John Brown's Body." The song became a popular marching tune for the Union army, and its powerful lyrics and rousing melody helped to inspire and motivate soldiers as they fought to preserve the Union and defeat the Confederacy. Today, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is still remembered as one of the most iconic and memorable songs of the American Civil War, and it remains a symbol of the sacrifices and bravery of the soldiers Featuring: James Freeman Clarke, Julia Ward Howe. (more...)

9 months later was born…

born on October 26, 1862

Hilma af Klint

Pioneer in the early development of abstract art and her innovative use of spiritual and symbolic themes

born on July 10, 1832

Alvan Graham Clark

American astronomer and telescope-maker

There is another child full of light who was also born along with Alma. Can you find him?

People featured in this post:

Alvan Graham Clark

American astronomer and telescope-maker

The Book Around the World in Eighty Days is Released by Jules Verne

It Happened on
January 30, 1873

“Around the World in 80 Days” is a classic adventure novel by Jules Verne, first published in 1873. The story follows the journey of Phileas Fogg, a wealthy Englishman who makes a bet that he can travel around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by his valet Passepartout, Fogg sets out on a journey that takes him across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, facing numerous obstacles and challenges along the way.

As a critic, I would say that the book is a thrilling and exciting read that immerses the reader in the world of the late 19th century. Verne’s descriptions of the various places and cultures that Fogg and Passepartout encounter are vivid and rich, and the characters are well-developed and engaging. The novel is a great adventure story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see where Fogg’s journey takes him next.

On the other hand, it’s a product of its time, and some of the racist and sexist attitude of the author towards certain cultures and characters are a product of its time and should be read with a critical lens.

Overall, “Around the World in 80 Days” is a timeless classic that is sure to delight readers of all ages with its fast-paced action and exciting adventure. I recommend it to anyone looking for a thrilling read that will take them on a journey around the world.

9 months later was born…

born on February 08, 1828

Jules Verne

Prolific French novelist, poet, and playwright, and co-founder of Plus Ultra

born on November 04, 1873

G. E. Moore

English philosopher, who with Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein and earlier Gottlob Frege was among the founders of analytic philosophy

There is another one! Can you find him? Use On This Day, to find other people born at the same time as G.E. Moore who look a lot like him!

And then…


Inspired by Jules Verne, Pioneer American Woman Journalist Nellie Bly Her Attempt to Beat Travel Around the World in Less Than 80 Days
It happened on 14 November, 1889

Nellie Bly was a pioneering journalist and adventurer who, in 1889, set out to beat the fictional record of Phileas Fogg, the protagonist of Featuring: Nellie Bly. (more...)

People featured in this post:

Jules Verne

Prolific French novelist, poet, and playwright, and co-founder of Plus Ultra