It Happened on
March 18, 1908
Article published multiple times between 1909 and 1910
Lawrence Daily Journal, March 18, 1909
Vilma Parlaghy Has Arrived in New York in State.
New York, March 18. – Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy, better known in the world of art as Vilma Parlaghy, minus her menagerie, but with all the other spectacular features which characterized her method of travel on a former visit last year, arrived Monday on the Hamburg-American line steamship Kaiserin Auguste Victoria from Hamburg.
The entourage of secretaries, valets, maids, and bodyguards was augmented by a private physician, who is to take care of the health of the dainty princess while she is touring the United States.
To bring the personal effects of her highness and her formidable suite required thirty trunks, which were landed on the pier for the customs officers to wrestle with; but these were only a part- twenty more are on the way to Baltimore, where her party will proceed later.
Half the number of trunks were gaudily painted red, white, and green and decorated with huge coronets.
The bodyguard and valets were liveried and made an imposing array.
The reputation of the princess as a portrait painter of exceptional merit is international, and considerable curiosity was evidenced after her arrival here last June.
“I shall paint twenty-five of your brainiest Americans,” she said. “I wanted to paint twenty when I was here last time, but my health would not permit. Whom shall I select? Oh, my subjects have already arranged for sittings. I can only name a few. Your American names are so difficult to remember that I can only think of – let me see President Taft. He was decided upon when we met on my last visit. Then there is Cardinal Gibbons, whom I shall take up soon after I reach Baltimore, where I go in a couple of weeks. The inventor, Mr. Edison, he is another.”
People featured in this post:
William Howard Taft

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans