The first issue of the feminist newspaper La Fronde is published by Marguerite Durand in Paris.

It Happened onDecember 09, 1897“La Fronde. A major daily newspaper. Political and literary. Managed, administrated and compiled exclusively BY WOMEN. In the French population women are in the majority…Women pay taxes which they have no say in approving; their manual labour and intellectual work contribute to the wealth of the nation and they claim theContinue reading “The first issue of the feminist newspaper La Fronde is published by Marguerite Durand in Paris.”

The People of Plus Ultra

Watch The Water It’s The Age of Aquarius! The following people are from my database of Plus Ultra members. I have looked at over 5,000 people since Summer 2020, and they are all super interesting! Nothing should be inferred by this except that they were born into a security system of forced transparency which allowsContinue reading “The People of Plus Ultra”