The People of Plus Ultra

Watch The Water
It’s The Age of Aquarius!

The following people are from my database of Plus Ultra members. I have looked at over 5,000 people since Summer 2020, and they are all super interesting!

Nothing should be inferred by this except that they were born into a security system of forced transparency which allows us to validate the past, and know the truth! They appear here because I found something interesting about their journey watching over humanity and/or entertaining you.

By getting to know them, you are letting this future tell the truth!

Then, we will all grow and seize the future!


Watch all the beautiful people of Gene Kelly’s Intelligence crew perform a drill. Can you spot all the Life Actors and Life Roles introduced in this video? They are all registered in The Xanadu Blockchain!

What they have built is real! Get to know the comms and know The Love That We Share.

Inanna Has Been Watching You!