It Happened on
April 04, 1915
Special to The Star-Telegram.
Princess Lwoff Parlaghy recentty returned from Germany, where she says she had an interview with the kaiser when he requested that she paint the portraits of 100 prominent Americans and he would place them in a book to be used in Germany’s schools.
Mrs. J. M. Mitchell of Newark, N. J., asserts she pointed out the financial possibilities of the thing to the princess and suggested they start the campaign in Washington, where Mrs. Helen Long-street, widow of the Confederate genreal, was enlisted because of her prominence and wide acquaintance among desirables. Mrs. T. DeWitt Talmage, wife of the Brooklyn preacher, was a prospect, it is said, but when she called at the princess’ studio, it is said, mention was made of the financial end of the sitting in the temporary absence of Princess Parlaghy. The princess then declared that the prospects were being “rushed” too hard and Mrs. Mitchell says she is entirely out of the scheme now. She threatens to sue unless she receives a share in commissions of the prices paid for the portraits.
Helen and Vilma: Almost Sisters

born on April 20, 1863 (d. 1962)
Helen Dortch Longstreet
The Fighting Lady - American social advocate, librarian, and newspaper woman serving as reporter, editor, publisher, and business manager.
born on May 15, 1863 (d. 1923)