It Happened on
January 31, 1862
The observation of Sirius B, also known as the Pup, is significant because it was the first evidence of the existence of a white dwarf star. In 1862, Sirius B was discovered by astronomers Alvan Graham Clark and his son, William Clark, while observing Sirius A, the brightest star in the night sky. They noticed a faint companion star near Sirius A and later determined it was a white dwarf, a type of star that is incredibly dense and has exhausted its fuel for nuclear fusion. The discovery of Sirius B confirmed the theoretical predictions about the nature of white dwarfs and opened up new avenues for the study of stellar evolution and the structure of stars. Today, the observation of Sirius B remains a cornerstone of astronomical research and continues to be studied in detail.

Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" is published in the Atlantic Monthly
It happened on 1 February, 1862
The publication of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe was a significant event in the history of the American Civil War. The poem was first published in the February 1862 issue of the Atlantic Monthly and quickly became a popular and influential anthem for the Union army. Julia Ward Howe was a prominent abolitionist and writer, and she wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" as a response to the outbreak of the Civil War and the growing conflict between the North and the South. The poem is a powerful call to arms, urging the North to fight for freedom and justice and to defeat the forces of slavery and oppression. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was quickly embraced by the Union army, and its lyrics were set to the tune of the popular gospel song "John Brown's Body." The song became a popular marching tune for the Union army, and its powerful lyrics and rousing melody helped to inspire and motivate soldiers as they fought to preserve the Union and defeat the Confederacy. Today, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" is still remembered as one of the most iconic and memorable songs of the American Civil War, and it remains a symbol of the sacrifices and bravery of the soldiers Featuring: James Freeman Clarke, Julia Ward Howe. (more...)
9 months later was born…

born on October 26, 1862
Hilma af Klint
Pioneer in the early development of abstract art and her innovative use of spiritual and symbolic themes
born on July 10, 1832
Alvan Graham Clark
American astronomer and telescope-makerThere is another child full of light who was also born along with Alma. Can you find him?