It Happened on
June 21, 1899

The Tacoma Daily Ledger announces the engagement of Brachfeld Elizabeth Vilma Parlaghy, a young Hungarian artist, with the noble Prince Georgy Lvov of Russia. This is a media placement composed by Vilma herself after the pair was brought together by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Princess Vilma uses the media to coordinate security activities for the benefit of Kaiser Wilhelm’s grandmother, Queen Victoria.
Prince Georgy Lvov was a Russian noble and politician who served as the first Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government following the February Revolution in 1917.
He was a member of the liberal Constitutional Democratic Party and was appointed as Prime Minister after Nicholas II abdicated the throne.
Lvov faced numerous challenges during his time in office, including political opposition from both the left and the right and the continuing military conflict in World War I. He was unable to effectively address these challenges and resigned from his position in July 1917.
In 1899, Prince Lvov married a Hungarian-born portrait painter Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy in Prague; they were quickly divorced, though Vilma continued to style herself the “Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy” using her artist name with the authorization of Prince Lvov. The Prince also continued to provide her with a permanent annual allowance.
The Eagagement of a Lovely Young Artist to a Russian Prince

Berlin letter: Frau Vilma Parlaghy, the well known portrait painter, is engaged to a Russian prince The marriage will take place In Dresden. The pair will visit New York next year.
In 1896, she visited New York and was royally entertained In the smart set. Miss, or Mrs. Parlaghy, is a brunette of medium size graceful in figure, animated in features, and conversation, and like many of her race, a rare linguist speaking English French, and German fluently.
When she Is not painting she gives herself up to the pleasure of horse flesh owning a stable of many thoroughbreds and sitting them like an amazon. Dogs too are her great delight and she possesses half a dozen of all sorts. Miss Parlaghy is by no means unknown in an art way, in America. Visitors to the World’s Fair, at Chicago, in 1896 will possibly recall her portrait work there, where its power and force attracted the attention of many and met with favor at the hands of the Jury from whom she received a gold medal. Paris too has given her recognition the French have made her an offer of the Academy while, from the Salon she has had a medal. An Inspection of her work shows her to be an artist of superior endowment, much capability and strong personality.
Few men today among the world’s portrait painters have so large a way of looking at nature, or a broader manner of expressing form. She sweeps in her subject, in big vigorous brush strokes and she models with great freedom.
Some eight years ago Mlle Parlaghy first attracted attention, in Paris, with a portrait of her mother, and on her installation in a studio, in Berlin, she began to paint those prominent socially. Her own portrait, in white satin full length, was shown in the Berlin academy and, at once, brought her commissions.
In Turin, she painted a famous likeness of her copatriot the great Kossuth a year or so before his death. In Berlin, she painted the Prussian statesman Windthorst also known as “his small excellency”, this picture being bought for the museum in Hanover, where it now hangs.

Then came the notice of royalty and the German emperor was numbered among the visitors and sitters in the studio of the gifted young Hungarian. William, she has painted many times and in many costumes to his entire satisfaction as has been seen.
In Austria the young woman has been unusually successful. There was purchased for the Belvedere gallery, in Vienna, her portrait of the famous playwright Bauernfeld. She has painted the chancellor Count Taaffe, his wife and daughters. Upon her completion of the work for the English royal family she has engagements to place on canvas the Emperor Francis Joseph I.
Besides the Germans already mentioned, Mlle Parlaghy has painted Bismarck, the Baroness Rothschild, Professor Leyden, the famous physician who attended the empress of Russia at the birth of her child, the Countess Moltke and William II, King of Wurtemberg together with his royal spouse Queen Charlotte. From the latter the artist received a superb necklace of pearls, a royal gift-indeed, that would strike envy to the female heart. Presents have come in plenty from other royalty and those of high degree, dogs, horses, jewelry and the like though none is quite the equal of the necklace.
The woman, her career, youth, personality and, the astonishing success with which she has met altogether make her an interesting figure in the art world.
– end article –
Princess Vilma used her connections in the American press to create placements that convey where her attention is pointed. Everything in her SELF-WRITTEN articles is meant to disclose important information about her intelligence network.
The Prince Lvov was married at the time Princess Vilma was announcing her upcoming nuptials, and he remained so. This arrangement was purely strategic, organized by Kaiser Wilhelm II, in order to provide Vilma with a title of nobility, which served as gossip fodder.
This article was placed next to an article about George Bernard Shaw! The reason for this will become evident once you explore the world of Dr. No, the first James Bond film . And, while you are at it, the second James Bond movie, From Russia With Love should provide you with adequate entertainment.
Mentioned in this article:
Lajos Kossuth (famous Hungarian)
Windthorst (Prussian statesman)
Emperor William II
Chancellor Count Taaffe
Emperor Francis Joseph I
Prince Bismarck
Baroness Rothschild
Professor Leyden
Countess Moltke
King Wilhelm and Queen Charlotte of Wurtemberg
Coming Soon…

From Russia with Love (film)
It happened on 27 May, 1964
`From Russia with Love is a classic James Bond movie that was released in 1963. Directed by Terence Young, this film features Sean Connery as James Bond and Robert Shaw as Red Grant, the main villain. The movie follows Bond as he is sent to Istanbul to recover a Russian decoding machine, but soon finds himself in the midst of a dangerous plot by SPECTRE, a criminal organization. Red Grant is a member of SPECTRE and a skilled assassin who is tasked with killing Bond. He is known for his hand-to-hand combat skills and his ability to blend in with his surroundings. In the movie, Red Grant is one of the main obstacles that Bond must overcome in order to complete his mission and save the day. The Bond girl in this film is Tatiana Romanova, a cipher clerk for the Russian government who offers to defect and bring the decoding machine with her. She is beautiful and mysterious, and Bond is immediately drawn to her. Throughout the film, Tatiana proves to be an important ally for Bond, and she helps him navigate the dangerous and unpredictable world of espionage. One of the most famous lines from the movie is Bond's catchphrase, "From Russia with Love." This phrase has become synonymous with the James Bond franchise, and is still quFeaturing: Sean Connery, Lotte Lenya, Lois Maxwell, Bernard Lee, Terence Young, Daniela Bianchi, Robert Shaw.

People featured in this post:

Eduard von Bauernfeld
Austrian dramatist

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

Georgy Lvov
Russian aristocrat and statesman who served as the first prime minister of democratic Russia