Statement of Purpose

Hello Sweetheart!

My name is Marie-Lynn and I am a popular culture historian. I share the meaning beyond popular culture, which discloses to us true history of the world, and the purpose of humanity.

I am a child of the Plus Ultra program. There are 1,000,000 of us, who descend from [Family Y] who can use the information I share. Only the people elected to play a role in the deployment of our reality need to know where they come from. The rest of us are simply meant to enjoy life and then, eventually, execute Judgement Day, if we care.

A Message to The Clowns in America

My biological father is your boss, The King of The Circus.
I have not been elected to a Life Role.
I do not have a media contract or a NDA.
I have not been told to keep the life role system secret… by Lucifer.

There are no secrets, everything is meaningful and coincidences are purposefully created!

I have always studied popular culture since the 70s, and I have been reading TIME magazine sonce I was 10 years old. As a French Canadian, I learned English quite rapidly by watching American White Propaganda TV shows such as “The Price is Right”.

I strive to create for you, entirely exclusive conspiracy theories like “Hate is a Hoax”, “Theatre is Theatre” and, “Aliens Aren’t”. In fact, I get annoyed with people who do not know what conspiracy theories are. A conspiracy theory is a statrement that claims that two or more people worked on a common goal. Most people are utterly terrified of information they have never heard and scared of people who dare to inform themselves freely.

For the past 5 years, I have NOT used any sort of app or site that has permascroll. I do not accept having my time stolen by apps that rely on commercial algorithms meant to anger people into clicking buttons.

Instead, I enjoy the disclosures of our ancestors of Plus Ultra, who are the smartest people in the world.

The Illusion of Secrecy

What I am telling you is absolutely not secret. The content I explore speaks to the future on purpose. Most people simply do not know how to extract value from propaganda. Our ancestors invented everything we take for granted, after rebooting civilization in Ur 4,500 years ago.

The Choice to Know is Yours

It is important for you to look away if the truth about the world upsets you. Everything you think you know is a lie, but this illusion is curated professionally. If you are incarnated into 2D (Social Media) you will find that profit-minded entities will continue to produce content for you in perpetuity. You can continue to enjoy the first layer of information in media, and ignore the other layers of information.

I’m Not Another Brick in The Wall

I am not a member of the truther community and cannot comment on all the temporary realities currently being maintained by the U.S. Army especially in Telegram or on X. These realities are meant to isolate problematic individuals from the general population, notably partisans and monarchists, or even worse monarchist partisans. If you must ask me a question, it should contain information that could be researched or validated.

The only way you might succeed at reaching me is by joining my patreon community or following my super secret x profile @_GirlMaher_.