Francis Bannerman is remembered for building a castle on an island to house an astounding amount of ammunition purchased in a fire sale from the Spanish government before they vacated Havana, Cuba after the War of 1898.
My favorite Observatorian Jon Levi, states that it is unlikely that a recently landed family, The Bannermans, would have the connections and pull to start a massive military surplus company from such a sweet deal.
In this article, I will simply detail the proof that The Bannermans are related to the crown of Spain, and that the Castle was likely gifted to Francis by Queen Victoria’s secret sister Frances Jocelyn. Queen Victoria was the official custodian of all Old World buildings that still hadn’t been given away by King George III and his secret son Andrew Jackson.
First, all visible people in history come from visible people of history who were featured in the press on the day that they were conceived, by authorization of The Queen, in order to repopulate The New World, which used to be a pre-Columbian experiential amusement park.
A Small Black Cane
9 months before Bannerman was born, Queen Victoria was involved in a kerfuffle with a would-be assassin.

Queen Victoria and Viscountess Jocelyn are attacked as they leave Cambridge House
It happened on 27 June, 1850
Queen Victoria and Viscountess Jocelyn, lady-in-waiting, left Cambridge House in Piccadilly to return to Buckingham Palace. As the royal carriage passed through the gates, a respectably dressed man ran forward two or three paces and struck the Queen a sharp blow on the head with a small black caneFeaturing: Frances Jocelyn, Robert Pate, Queen Victoria.
Queen Victoria’s would-be assassins are rather easy to source. Later in this article, you will see why Queen Victoria staged many assassination attempts. She made sure to profusely thank each man who rendered the service. On that day, she made sure to have the name of her Lady-in-waiting Frances Jocelyn included in the story.

Frances Jocelyn
February 09, 1820
Lady-in-waiting of Queen Victoria

Francis Bannerman VI
March 24, 1851
Builder of Bannerman’s Castle on Pollepel Island on The Hudson River in New York State

Robert Pate
December 25, 1819
British Army officer, remembered for his assault on Queen Victoria on 27 June 1850
Mothers try to help us identify them as best they can. Women don’t get written into the permanent record as much as men, so they may use their birthday as an indicator, and often name their daughters by their own name. In this case we have a Francis from a Frances, which is just as adorable! And, on top of it, the middle name of Robert Pate is also Francis!
Francis Bannerman comes off as very intentional man! He bears all the marks of a man who works in Her Majesty’s Secret Service. I expect to find him again in time, executing interesting psyops!
Queen Victoria’s rapid procreation program saw to impregnante mothers with twins. Therefore, our man Bannerman was born along with another guy. He became the leader of Argentina, another Old World hub that would become the scene of a lot of shenanigans…

born on March 24, 1851
Francis Bannerman VI
Builder of Bannerman’s Castle on Pollepel Island on The Hudson River in New York State
born on March 19, 1851
Roque Sáenz Peña
Argentine politician and lawyer who served as President of ArgentinaWho was Robert Pate?
Robert Francis Pate Jr. was a former British Army officer born on Queen Victoria’s first Christmas. He is therefore dated as being a Christmas gift to Her Majesty. He was literally born to offer himself to Her Majesty’s judgement as he was sentenced to transportation, to Tasmania. Robert Pate was a deep cover agent. A man who goes to prison in order to report, to Her Majesty, on the conditions of her prisoners and execute information gathering missions among criminals as well as observing the administration of inmates. Therefore, Robert Pate must be considered as an Explorer, the highest security clearance a man can obtain from Her Majesty.
Robert Pate was conceived on March 23, 1819 after, In Mannheim, Duchy of Baden, German dramatist August von Kotzebue was assassinated by Karl Ludwig Sand.

born on December 25, 1819
Robert Pate
British Army officer, remembered for his assault on Queen Victoria on 27 June 1850
born on May 03, 1761
August von Kotzebue
German dramatist and writer who also worked as a consul in Russia and GermanyIn order to understand what is going on here, you will have to know that Queen Victoria’s mother was a Sand, the most famous author in France George Sand. Robert Pate was conceived after August Von Kotzebue DID NOT DIE… he was removed from the playing field by an actor, in order to accomplish something we can’t know about, unless we read some books from authors, who will gleefully spill the beans, and change the name of the protagonists!
Everything is disclosed, somewhere!
The Bannerman family is profoundly beloved by Queen Victoria and they connect to Henry Campbell-Bannerman, who would eventually become Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
August von Kotzebue is the son of The King of Spain, Charles III which provides the explanation as to why The Bannermans were first and foremost in the minds of Spain when getting rid of all this military surplus they didn’t want to trek back to Spain.
How does Howl’s Moving Castle Get Around?
Remember Bannerman’s twin, Roque Sáenz Peña? He became President of Argentina on July 21, 1910. 9 months later, Robert P. McCulloch was born.

born on March 19, 1851
Roque Sáenz Peña
Argentine politician and lawyer who served as President of Argentina
born on May 11, 1911
Robert P. McCulloch
Purchased The London Bridge and moved it to ArizonaRobert P. McCulloch was an American entrepreneur from Missouri, best known for McCulloch chainsaws and for installing Thomas Edison power plants everywhere, even building whole towns from nothing for the purpose of installing a power plant. He founded the town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona.
In 1968, McCulloch was searching for a unique attraction for his city, which eventually took him to London. By the early 1960s it was apparent that John Rennie‘s 1831 “New” London Bridge was gradually sinking into the River Thames and the City of London Corporation decided that a new bridge was needed. Rather than demolish the existing bridge, they decided to auction the historic landmark.
McCulloch purchased the bridge and moved the exterior casings to reconstruct the bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.