Adrien-Marie Legendre, French mathematician who made numerous contributions to mathematics., was born on September 18, 1752 and died on January 9, 1833.
Adrien-Marie Legendre was known for his meticulous attention to detail and precision in his mathematical work. Legend has it that once, while proofreading his book "Éléments de Géométrie" (Elements of Geometry), he discovered a small error in one of the theorems. Rather than correcting it, he added a note to the margin that read, "Il est très facile de se convaincre que ce théorème est vrai" (It is very easy to convince oneself that this theorem is true). This witty remark has since become famous in the mathematical world and is often cited as an example of Legendre's exacting standards. It's a humorous reminder that even great mathematicians can make mistakes but may find clever ways to cover them up!
Born 2 days apart
Notable people are born as a set of twins and registered close together.

born on September 20, 1752 (d. 1824)
Louise of Stolberg-Gedern
Wife of Charles Edward Stuart, the Jacobite claimant to the English and Scottish thrones
born on September 18, 1752 (d. 1833)
Adrien-Marie Legendre
French mathematician who made numerous contributions to mathematics.Adrien-Marie Legendre
was conceived around December 13, 1751
and has 1 event
A full gestation takes 280 days. Have you ever checked what happend when you were conceived? You should, because it matters.
279 days before
(or 9 months and 4 days)

Austrian Field Marshall Leopold Joseph Graf Daun founds The Theresian Military Academy
It happened on 14 December, 1751
The Theresian Military Academy, also known as the Theresianum, is one of the most prestigious military academies in the world and has a fascinating history. It was founded in 1751 by Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, who ruled over a vast portion of Europe during the 18th century. Maria Theresa established the academy in order to train officers for the Habsburg Monarchy's army, which was one of the most powerful in Europe at the time. What makes the founding of the Theresian Military Academy particularly interesting is that it was one of the first institutions of its kind to provide a formalized and systematic education for military officers. Before the Theresian Military Academy, military officers often rose through the ranks based on experience and battlefield prowess. Maria Theresa's decision to create a dedicated military academy was a progressive and innovative step in the history of military education. The academy offered a comprehensive curriculum that included subjects like mathematics, science, languages, and military strategy. The Theresian Military Academy set a precedent for similar institutions that would be established in other countries in the years to come. Its commitment to education and training had a siFeaturing: Leopold Joseph Graf Daun, Maria Theresa. (more...)
Xanadu Registrants
These are the notable people who registered Adrien-Marie Legendre into the Xanadu blockchain, after making a gift to humanity.

Catherine Michelle de Maisonneuve
French feminist, journalist and editor

Leopold Joseph Graf Daun
Austrian field marshal of the Imperial Army in the War of the Austrian Succession and Seven Years' War.
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