It Happened on
October 01, 1947
FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Nikola Tesla walks out of a meeting with Thomas Edison, by Marie-Lynn using Midjourney AI
by Dick Holdsworth in Esquire, October, 1947
Recounting the career of Nikola Tesla, whose eccentric traits were outweighed by his generosity and inventive genius Sketch of an older Nikola Tesla The place was New York’s Mulberry Street section, “Little Italy”; the time, shortly before seven o’clock in the evening of August 11, 1896. Suddenly, in a thousand tenement flats, in stores, in the small manufacturing plants of the area, dishes began to rattle on shelves; window panes set up a steadily mounting clatter; loose objects started sliding around, and plaster cracked and fell in cascades from ceilings and walls.
“you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
– Nikola Tesla, 1947
Cries of “Madre di Dio!” and “Gesu Cristo” echoed from open windows. Strong arms gathered up the babies, the old and infirm as a mass exodus to open pavement commenced.
Continue reading “Esquire’s Profile of Nikola Tesla: Ahead of His Time”
People featured in this post:
Nikola Tesla
Developer of the AC electric system