It Happened on
August 06, 1908
Two Paintings to Be Contributed by Princess Parlaghy
Princess Livoff (sic) Parlaghy, the artist, has offered to paint portraits of two of this country’s greatest men for hanging in the National Art Gallery of the new National Museum, nearing completion on the Mall, and the offer has been accepted by Director Walcott. The subjects will be decided upon later at a conference between the artist and the museum authorities.
Princess Parlaghy is said to be the only woman artist to receive a bronze medal at the Chicago exposition. She has received gold medals from Pope Leo XIII, the German and Austrian emperors, and the Paris salon. She is at present spending a few weeks at Hot Springs, Va., and will come to this city in May.
Charles Doolittle Walcott
People featured in this post:
Charles Doolittle Walcott
American paleontologist, administrator of the Smithsonian Institution from 1907 to 1927, and director of the United States Geological Survey

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

Pope Leo XIII
was head of the Catholic Church from 20 February 1878 until his death in July 1903