Q #1918 – Someone walks close to the Western Pacific Kindergarten in Hong Kong…

It Happened on
August 16, 2018

Q answers with a link to a fundraising invitation found in John Podesta’s WikiLeaks (Archive.org link).

In the e-mail John’s brother, Tony Podesta is inviting people to an evening of Cooking with Chef Nora Pouillon.

Nora Pouillon was born two days after Tony Podesta. She was the owner of Restaurant Nora in Washington, D.C., famous for its status as America’s first certified organic restaurant.

Hmmm… organs!

born on October 26, 1943

Nora Pouillon

born on October 24, 1943

Tony Podesta

American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group

I’m pretty sure this has something to do with humanitarians, however, people are still trying to find the child abuse link, because they choose to read “Pizza refers to children” and they think the most obvious thing to do with a Pizza is to fuck it. I’ve been writing about #Pizzagate being about eating people for over 5 years and have yet to encounter someone else who can see they are dealing with cannibals, not pedophiles.

One day, people will awaken from their obsession with seeing children as sex object and understand that cannibals like to eat pizza, not fuck it.

Why the red shoes?

Q posted a series of pictures that contain Bill Maher (my half-brother), Anthony Weiner and Tony Podesta at his birthday party with his friends. One of these friends (guy on the left in the group shot) is a lobbyist who may be the man seen walking across the street in Hong Kong. Everybody is posing with red shoes because they want to brag that this is a serious cannibal birthday party. However, Anthony Podesta had to close his big lobbying firm in 2018 because of FARA troubles. The Trump administration decided to go after everybody who was a lobbyist but didn’t properly file their FARA registrations and this decimated the lobbyist population in D.C. by THOUSANDS!

Anthony Podesta was conceived on January 14, 1943 after the Casablanca Conference between Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and other Allied representatives.

born on October 24, 1943

Tony Podesta

American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group

born on January 30, 1882

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd president of the United States

born on October 26, 1943

Nora Pouillon

born on November 30, 1874 (d. 1965)

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1940-1945

Anthony and John Podesta are not any different than the other clowns currently executing The Apocalypse Circus. The only difference with their dozens of half-siblings also on the stage is that they play the bad guys.

Thank you Lauren Bacall for all the clowns!