It Happened on
September 26, 1899
Asked To View Dewey Portrait.
City Couneilman John T. Ford, of the Fifteenth ward, received an invitation yesterday to a private exhibition of a portrait of the late Admiral Dewey, painted from life by Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy. It will be exhibited at the home of the Princess, 109 East Thirty-ninth street, New York, Thursday and Friday afternoon of next week, under the patronage of former President Roosevelt, Bishop Greer, Judge Alton B. Parker, Gen. Leonard Wood and others.

People featured in this post:

Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy
Her serene Highness - Prolific portraitist of notable Europeans and Americans

Rosa Luxemburg
Polish and naturalised-German revolutionary socialist, orthodox Marxist, and anti-war activist

George Dewey
Admiral of the Navy