September 28

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Ah, September 28th, another day worth talkin’ about. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

On the feast day front, we’ve got Saint Wenceslaus’ day. He was a Duke of Bohemia back in the 10th century, known for his piety and kindness. I reckon folks remember him with a bit of reverence.

Now, for a historical tidbit, on this day in 1066, William the Conqueror set sail from Normandy to conquer England. That journey led to the famous Battle of Hastings, and it changed the course of English history forever. Imagine packin’ your bags for a conquest like that!

Speaking of conquerors, in 1542, Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, a Spanish explorer, sailed into what’s now known as San Diego Bay. He was one of the first Europeans to set foot on the west coast of what we now call the United States. Quite the explorer, if you ask me.

As for notable figures born on September 28th, well, you’ve got Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher whose sayings and teachings have influenced folks for centuries. And let’s not forget the brilliant French writer, Prosper Mérimée, known for bringin’ us the tale of Carmen, a story that’s been adapted into operas, films, and more.

Now, in terms of cultural observances, September 28th might not be a holiday, but it’s right there in the midst of autumn. The leaves are rustlin’, the air is crisp, and folks start thinkin’ ’bout Thanksgiving, which is just ’round the corner.

So, there you have it, September 28th, a day with its own unique blend of history, saints, explorers, and thinkers. Just goes to show, every day’s got its own story to tell.

September 26

Good Boy in Chief, Bark Twain, explains the day!

Well, now, September 26, let me tell you, it’s a day that’s danced its way through history, and it’s got a few stories to tell.

First and foremost, there’s Johnny Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, born on this day in 1774. That fella wandered the frontier planting apple trees like there was no tomorrow. He’s the reason we have apples aplenty in the United States, and every time we take a bite of a crisp apple, we owe him a nod of appreciation.

But there’s more to this day. In 1960, the first-ever televised presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon happened on September 26. They squared off, and Kennedy’s charisma and a bit of makeup magic gave him an edge. It was a turning point in politics, and TV became a new battleground for politicians.

And for all you European history buffs, on this day in 1580, Francis Drake sailed the Golden Hind into Plymouth, England, after completing his circumnavigation of the globe. Quite the feat, I must say.

Now, let’s talk about the feast days. You see, September 26 is the feast day of Saints Cosmas and Damian, the patron saints of doctors. They were twin brothers, skilled physicians, and they didn’t charge a dime for their services. That’s right, free healthcare back in the day!

So, whether you’re munching on an apple, tuning into a political debate, or giving a thought to those selfless doctors, September 26 has a little something for everyone. It’s a day to remember the past, savor the present, and maybe plant a seed for the future.